Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB)
The Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (Turkish: Diyanet İşleri Türk-İslam Birliği; DITIB) is a mosque umbrella organization that operates in several European countries. The organization is linked to the Diyanet, a Turkish government agency responsible for religious affairs. The Diyanet sends imams to DITIBs mosques, and their salaries are paid by the Diyanet or the local Turkish consulate. DITIB has a role in education about Islam in Germany, as evidenced by the cooperation between DITIB and state schools, and DITIB representatives hold seats on the advisory boards of Islamic theology programs at German universities. Germany has cut funding to DITIB and sought to have imams educated in Germany to reduce the number of foreign imams and curb the Diyanet’s influence. Similarly, France has closed the Diyanet’s bank accounts in France and French President Macron announced he was ending a program that allowed other countries to send cultural and language teachers, including imams, to teach in France without interference with French authorities.