Muslim Aid


Mus­lim Aid is a Lon­don-based char­i­ty with thir­teen offices around the world. It was found­ed in 1985 and waled by Islam­ic fig­ures includ­ing senior staff of the Mus­lim Coun­cil of Britain (MCB), the largest Islamist umbrel­la orga­ni­za­tion in the UK. Mus­lim Aid is a mem­ber of the Union of Good (UOG), and in Sep­tem­ber 2008, Mus­lim Aid was one of the five UK UOG char­i­ties banned by Israel in con­nec­tion with their ties to Hamas. A num­ber of the orga­ni­za­tions to which Mus­lim Aid made allo­ca­tions have been iden­ti­fied by Israel and/or the US as Hamas insti­tu­tions. In 2010, the UK Char­i­ty Com­mis­sion inves­ti­gat­ed alle­ga­tions that Mus­lim Aid had financed ter­ror­ist groups found no evi­dence of irreg­u­lar or improp­er use of the Charity’s funds or any evi­dence that the Char­i­ty had ille­gal­ly fund­ed any pro­scribed or des­ig­nat­ed enti­ties.