US media is reporting that Twitter and Facebook have removed two anti-Ukrainian disinformation networks from their platforms. The companies said the influence operations were linked to Russia and Belarus and targeted Ukrainians. According to an NBC report:
February 28, 2022 Facebook and Twitter removed two anti-Ukrainian “covert influence operations” over the weekend, one tied to Russia and another with connections to Belarus, the companies said. One of the operations, a propaganda campaign featuring a website pushing anti-Ukraine talking points, was an offshoot of a known Russian disinformation operation. A Facebook spokesperson said it used computer-generated faces to bolster the credibility of fake columnists across several platforms, including Instagram. The other campaign used hacked accounts to push similar anti-Ukraine propaganda and was tied to a known Belarusian hacking group. […] The larger of the two disinformation groups operated in Russia, as well as the Russian-dominated Donbas and Crimea regions of Ukraine, said Nathaniel Gleicher, Meta’s head of security policy, and it is tied to the websites News Front and South Front, which the U.S. government has designated as part of a broader disinformation effort that had connections to Russian intelligence. […] Facebook said it took down 40 profiles tied to the disinformation operation, saying the profiles were a small part of a larger persona-building operation that spread across Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and Russian social networks. […] Twitter said it banned more than a dozen accounts tied to the News Front and South Front Russian operation, which were pushing links to a new propaganda site called Ukraine Today. […] Facebook said it took down a separate multipronged disinformation operation by a known hacking group based out of Belarus that targeted Ukrainians. The company said it hacked social media accounts to use them to spread pro-Russian propaganda. […] Facebook attributed the efforts to the hacking group Ghostwriter, which previously used hacked accounts to push disinformation that favored the Belarus government.
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In addition to removing Russia-linked fake accounts, US social media companies Facebook and YouTube recently announced they are blocking Russian state media from running ads on their platforms, while Twitter is suspending all advertising in Ukraine and Russia.