UncategorizedAugust 29 2022, 14:35 pm

Turkish-French Influence Organization Organizes Islamophobia Conference at European Parliament

A French high­er edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tion is report­ing that the Coun­cil for Jus­tice, Equal­i­ty and Peace (COJEP), a  Turk­ish-French influ­ence orga­ni­za­tion, orga­nized a con­fer­ence on Islam­o­pho­bia at the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment. The event fea­tured Islamist speak­ers and was part­ly facil­i­tat­ed by a Ger­man politi­cian. Accord­ing to the École de guerre économique report:

May 18th, 2022: On May 3, 2022, a con­fer­ence was orga­nized at the ini­tia­tive of Cojep, a pro-Turkey asso­ci­a­tion, in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment. The theme was “Islam­o­pho­bia” and dis­crim­i­na­tion against Mus­lims. Among the speak­ers, El-Yess Zare­li, known as Elias d’Imza­lene, the founder of the media “Islam et Info”, a Salafist at the heart of the galaxy of polit­i­cal Islam in France. The mag­a­zine Mar­i­anne report­ed on this total inco­her­ence of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment regard­ing the atti­tude to adopt towards Islamism and the influ­ence games of for­eign pow­ers such as Turkey with­in the Euro­pean insti­tu­tions. The axis of attack of the orga­niz­ers of the con­fer­ence was to high­light the con­tra­dic­tions and dis­crep­an­cies between Euro­pean val­ues and the law rein­forc­ing the respect of the prin­ci­ples of the French Repub­lic”, i.e. the law of 2021 against sep­a­ratism ini­ti­at­ed by Emmanuel Macron. Mar­i­an­ne’s jour­nal­ists spec­i­fy in this regard that the per­son­al­i­ties present at this con­fer­ence are “far from being sim­ple believ­ers or asso­ci­a­tions, defend an ultra-con­ser­v­a­tive and polit­i­cal vision of the Mus­lim reli­gion. Among them: the activist El-Yes Zare­ly, known as Elias d’Imza­lène, founder of the com­mu­ni­ty site “Islam and Info” which records anti-Mus­lim acts. The pro-Erdo­gan activist and for­mer mem­ber of the CCIF Feiza Ben Mohamed and the polit­i­cal sci­en­tist, Islam­ol­o­gist and direc­tor of research at the CNRS François Bur­gat were also present. One of the aspects of the con­tro­ver­sy con­cerns the fact that a Ger­man social­ist deputy has brought into the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment an indi­vid­ual reg­is­tered as an “S” [a poten­tial secu­ri­ty threat] in France, Elias d’Imza­lène, founder of the web­site “Islam et info”. In this case, it would be an ini­tia­tive of Ismail Ertug, Vice-Pres­i­dent of the Ger­man Social Demo­c­ra­t­ic Group (SPD). The lat­ter, born in 1975 in Amberg, comes from a Turk­ish fam­i­ly that emi­grat­ed to Ger­many in 1972. [Trans­lat­ed by DeepL]

Read the rest here.

As the Glob­al Influ­ence Oper­a­tions Report (GIOR) report­ed in Novem­ber 2020, France dis­solved the Col­lec­tif Con­tre l’Is­lam­o­pho­bie en France (CCIF), des­ig­nat­ing it as an “ene­my of the repub­lic” and accus­ing it of asso­ci­at­ing with Islamism and min­i­miz­ing ter­ror­ism. In mid-Octo­ber 2020, GIOR con­clud­ed that CCIF wass an Islamist influ­ence oper­a­tion, ana­lyz­ing its cam­paign­ing efforts against sec­u­lar­ism and its ties to orga­ni­za­tions part of the Glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood in Europe, a transna­tion­al Islamist net­work cov­ered by the GIOR.

Accord­ing to the image found in the arti­cle, anoth­er list­ed speak­er is Satı Arık, an asso­ciate mem­ber of the Cen­tral Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee of the Wom­en’s Branch of Turk­ish Pres­i­dent Erdoğan’s AKP party.

The Coun­cil for Jus­tice, Equal­i­ty and Peace (COJEP) is an NGO based in Stras­bourg, France, that describes itself as work­ing in the spheres of human rights, democ­ra­cy, fight­ing against racism and dis­crim­i­na­tion, inter­cul­tur­al dia­logue, and oth­er soci­etal mat­ters. COJEP was found­ed in 1992 in Belfort, France, and shared its head­quar­ters with Mil­lî Görüş. COJEP act­ed as the youth branch of the move­ment before split­ting from it and mov­ing to Stras­bourg in 1996, and COJEP’s founder and pres­i­dent, Ali Gedıkoğlu, has called Mil­lî Görüş his “camp.” COJEP has tak­en sim­i­lar posi­tions as the AKP.