GNCANovember 23 2024, 5:00 am

Tucker Carlson Claims Midnight Demon Attack Left Him Bleeding

On 1 Novem­ber 2024, The Guardian report­ed that for­mer Fox News host Tuck­er Carl­son claimed he was phys­i­cal­ly attacked by a demon while in bed, leav­ing him with bleed­ing claw marks. The arti­cle begins:

Tuck­er Carl­son, the for­mer CNN and Fox News polit­i­cal chat host, has said he was “phys­i­cal­ly mauled” by a demon a year and a half ago, in an assault that he says left him bleed­ing and with scars from “claw marks”. Carl­son made the claim while speak­ing in an upcom­ing doc­u­men­tary, Chris­tian­i­ties? In a pre­view clip on YouTube, Carl­son is asked by John Heers of the non-prof­it First Things Foun­da­tion if he believed that “the pres­ence of evil is kick­start­ing peo­ple to won­der about the good”…

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Key Points:

  1. Carl­son describes wak­ing up unable to breathe and then dis­cov­er­ing bleed­ing claw marks on his body while his fam­i­ly remained asleep.
  2. The alleged super­nat­ur­al encounter occurred while Carl­son was in bed with his wife and dogs, prompt­ing a spir­i­tu­al awakening.
  3. His rev­e­la­tion comes while cam­paign­ing for Don­ald Trump, where he’s mak­ing oth­er con­tro­ver­sial state­ments about polit­i­cal leadership.
  4. The for­mer Fox News host, fired after the $787 mil­lion Domin­ion law­suit set­tle­ment, claims this expe­ri­ence drove him to bib­li­cal study.