On 7 December 2023, The Record reported that Russia-aligned groups manipulated videos of American celebrities to create anti-Ukraine propaganda. The campaign involved doctoring videos from sites like Cameo, where celebrities record personalized messages for a fee. Microsoft’s report revealed that actors such as Elijah Wood, Dean Norris, Kate Flannery, and boxer Mike Tyson were unknowingly involved in sending messages to a fictitious ‘Vladimir’ about substance abuse, which were then edited to target Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The manipulated videos included Ukrainian emojis and Zelensky’s social media handle, falsely portraying him as a “corrupt drug addict.” Russian state media, like RIA Novosti, further amplified these false narratives. The actors were unaware of the misuse of their videos. Additionally, Russian actors created fake content mimicking reputable media outlets like BBC, Al-Jazeera, and Euronews to undermine Western support for Ukraine. One such video falsely accused the Ukrainian military of a missile strike on civilians, using BBC’s logo and aesthetics but containing language errors indicative of Slavic to English translation.
RussiaDecember 24 2023, 11:05 am
Russia’s Anti-Ukraine Campaign Used Manipulated Celebrity Videos