The Free Russia Foundation, a US think tank, reported last month about Russia’s influence operations in Lithuania. The report argues that Moscow has attempted to dramatically influence Lithuania’s information space to suit its interests because of Lithuania’s firm stance towards Russia’s policies in the international arena. According to the report:
Lithuania has held a firm stance towards Russia’s policies in the international arena. In response, Moscow has attempted to dramatically influence Lithuania’s information space to suit its own interests. The Kremlin’s main tools of influence in attempting to transform Lithuania’s information environment include not only media registered in the Russian Federation, but also a broad range of allegedly independent Russian outlets and experts, bloggers, and influencers who actively disseminate pro-Kremlin narratives on social media. In addition, pro-Russian narratives are repeated by media registered in Lithuania itself.
Read the full report here.
In January, we recommended a NATO study examining Russia’s footprint in the Nordic-Baltic information environment. In April, we recommended a NATO study assessing Lithuania’s measures to counter Russian disinformation.