RussiaJanuary 19 2023, 10:19 am

Russia Accuses Ukraine of Digging Up Graves Before Orthodox Christmas to Use for Propoganda

Sput­nik, the Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da media oper­a­tion, is report­ing the claim that on the eve of Ortho­dox Christ­mas, Ukrain­ian spe­cial forces dug up graves in the Kharkiv region for use in accus­ing Rus­sia of tor­tur­ing civil­ians. Accord­ing to the report:

Jan­u­ary 8, 2023 Moscow (Sput­nik) — The Secu­ri­ty Ser­vice of Ukraine (SBU) pre­pared a provo­ca­tion using the bod­ies of civil­ians who died in the Kharkov region in order to sub­se­quent­ly accuse Rus­sia of tor­tur­ing ordi­nary cit­i­zens, the Russ­ian Defense Min­istry said on Sunday.“Ukrainian spe­cial ser­vices have pre­pared a new large-scale anti-Russ­ian provo­ca­tion aimed at dis­cred­it­ing the Russ­ian armed forces and accus­ing Russ­ian ser­vice­men of alleged­ly com­mit­ting war crimes. On the eve of Ortho­dox Christ­mas, rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the State Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­tion and the SBU orga­nized the dig­ging up of graves in ceme­ter­ies in the vil­lages of Kazachya Lopan, Veliky Burluk, Shipo­va­toye and Khat­noye in the Kharkov region, where local res­i­dents who died from nat­ur­al caus­es were buried while Russ­ian troops were in these areas from Feb­ru­ary 24 to Sep­tem­ber 6, 2022,” the min­istry said.The min­istry added that the Kiev regime, through provo­ca­tions, seeks to keep the atten­tion of the West against the back­ground in the absence of suc­cess on the battlefield.

Read the rest here.

The Glob­al Influ­ence Oper­a­tions Report (GIOR) report­ed last Novem­ber that Rus­sia was refram­ing its jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the inva­sion of Ukraine by mov­ing away from “denaz­i­fi­ca­tion” to the “com­plete de-Sataniza­tion” of Ukraine. The above report is con­sis­tent with this theme.

GIOR also report­ed last Novem­ber on the Chris­t­ian nation­al­ist wing of the Repub­li­can Par­ty and its role in sup­port­ing Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin while oppos­ing mil­i­tary aid to Ukraine. Around the same, we report­ed that the direc­tor of the new Brus­sels branch of the Math­ias Corv­i­nus Col­legium (MCC), a pri­vate Hun­gar­i­an res­i­den­tial col­lege fund­ed by a mas­sive dona­tion of pub­lic funds, had claimed that hos­til­i­ty towards Hun­gary was moti­vat­ed in part by the coun­try’s defense of Chris­tian­i­ty from Euro­pean ‘cul­ture warriors.”