ChinaJanuary 5 2021, 13:25 pm

Registered Chinese Communist Party Members Working In Key UK Positions

UK media report­ed last month that a leaked data­base of reg­is­tered Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty mem­bers indi­cates that Par­ty mem­bers are cur­rent­ly employed in British con­sulates, uni­ver­si­ties, and for some of the UK’s lead­ing com­pa­nies. Accord­ing to the Dai­ly Mail report:

Decem­ber 12, 2020 Loy­al mem­bers of the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty are work­ing in British con­sulates, uni­ver­si­ties and for some of the UK’s lead­ing com­pa­nies, The Mail on Sun­day can reveal. An extra­or­di­nary leaked data­base of 1.95 mil­lion reg­is­tered par­ty mem­bers reveals how Bei­jing’s malign influ­ence now stretch­es into almost every cor­ner of British life, includ­ing defence firms, banks and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal giants. Most alarm­ing­ly, some of its mem­bers – who swear a solemn oath to ‘guard Par­ty secrets, be loy­al to the Par­ty, work hard, fight for com­mu­nism through­out my life…and nev­er betray the Par­ty’ – are under­stood to have secured jobs in British con­sulates. Among them is a senior offi­cial at the British Con­sulate in Shang­hai. Its head­quar­ters is also home to intel­li­gence offi­cers from the UK secu­ri­ty ser­vices. The offi­cial describes their role as sup­port­ing min­is­ters and offi­cials on vis­its to East Chi­na. While there is no evi­dence that any­one on the par­ty mem­ber­ship list has spied for Chi­na – and many sign up sim­ply to boost their career prospects – experts say it defies creduli­ty that some are not involved in espi­onage. Respond­ing to the find­ings, an alliance of 30 MPs last night said they would be tabling an urgent ques­tion about the issue in the Commons.

Read the rest here.

The Glob­al Influ­ence Oper­a­tions Report (GIOR) report­ed last month on a detailed report on Chi­nese influ­ence efforts direct­ed against four Cen­tral Euro­pean countries.

The GIOR also report­ed in Decem­ber on a promi­nent Euro­pean law­mak­er said to be act­ing as an agent of Chi­nese influ­ence in the Euro­pean Parliament.