We want to make our readers aware of an addition to the GIOR FAQ that explains our expanded use of AI to generate photorealistic images:
What role does AI play in the Global Influence Operations Report
The GIOR utilizes AI to generate summaries of news items, including the introduction and the key points that follow. Any text following the key points is context added by GIOR editors.
Additionally, the GIOR employs AI to create the photorealistic images used in thumbnails for illustrative purposes. All images generated by AI attempt to adhere closely to the underlying content and are not intended in any way to misrepresent that content. When individuals are depicted, the images are inspired by but should not be understood as actual photos of those individuals. We have chosen this approach to enhance the publication’s visual appeal without relying on external photo sources.
The GIOR editors emphasize that all information generated by AI should be independently verified, and GIOR images should only be used for reposting GIOR content.
We hope that readers understand it is only with the assistance of AI tools that the GIOR can continue providing what we hope is a valuable service in light of ongoing funding challenges.