RussiaAugust 29 2022, 14:26 pm

More Details on Russian Propaganda Site Where Darya Dugina Was Chief Editor

US media has pro­vid­ed fur­ther details on Unit­ed World Inter­na­tion­al (UWI), a Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da web­site where Darya Dug­i­na, the daugh­ter of Russ­ian far-right ide­o­logue Alexan­der Dug­in, was chief edi­tor until she was killed by a car bomb ear­li­er this month. Accord­ing to a CNN report:

August 27, 2022 Accord­ing to the US State Depart­ment, Dug­i­na in 2020 became chief edi­tor of Unit­ed World Inter­na­tion­al (UWI) — an Eng­lish and Turk­ish-lan­guage for­eign affairs site cre­at­ed by the cor­po­ra­tized pro­pa­gan­da effort “Project Lakhta,” which the depart­ment says used fic­ti­tious online per­sonas to inter­fere in US elec­tions. The web­site mim­ics the for­mat of West­ern think tanks and news blogs, fea­tur­ing arti­cles by guest con­trib­u­tors from around the world, and aside from the occa­sion­al mis­trans­la­tion, it bears few traces of its Russ­ian ori­gin. “On the sur­face it looks like (it holds) a fringe view of the world, but you could­n’t imme­di­ate­ly tell that this is some­thing Russ­ian,” said Osad­chuk, whose inves­ti­ga­tion in 2020 revealed that social media accounts owned by Dug­i­na were r as espon­si­ble for cre­at­ing UWI’s Face­book pres­ence. US announces new sanc­tions tar­get­ing Russ­ian glob­al influ­ence and elec­tion inter­fer­ence oper­a­tions US announces new sanc­tions tar­get­ing Russ­ian glob­al influ­ence and elec­tion inter­fer­ence oper­a­tions “But if you go into the arti­cles them­selves, you could read it and see the Russ­ian posi­tion all over,” he added. “If Ukraine is admit­ted to NATO, it will per­ish as a state,” one head­line on its site declared.

Read the rest here.

In March, the Glob­al Influ­ence Oper­a­tions Report (GIOR) report­ed that the US Trea­sury sanc­tioned Alexan­der Dug­in and UWI for being asso­ci­at­ed with Rus­si­a’s glob­al dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign on Ukraine. Darya Dug­i­na was also includ­ed in those sanc­tions. A sub­se­quent GIOR inves­ti­ga­tion revealed that UWI appears to be con­trolled by a pro-Russ­ian Turk­ish polit­i­cal par­ty. In July, GIOR report­ed that the UK had also sanc­tioned Dug­i­na and UWI, describ­ing the UWI as an enti­ty that “is or has been involved sup­port­ing, or pro­mot­ing poli­cies or actions which desta­bilis­es Ukraine or under­mines or threat­ens the ter­ri­to­r­i­al integri­ty, sov­er­eign­ty or inde­pen­dence of Ukraine.”