UncategorizedJanuary 3 2023, 15:46 pm

Millî Görüş Opens Mosque in Japan

Turk­ish media is report­ing on the open­ing of an Islamis­che Gemein­schaft Mil­lî Görüş mosque in Japan, attend­ed by Turk­ish gov­ern­ment offi­cials. Accord­ing to the TRTHaber report:

Novem­ber 20th, 2022: The Tsushi­ma Com­plex, built by the Islam­ic Com­mu­ni­ty Mil­li Gorus in Japan, was put into ser­vice today. The open­ing cer­e­mo­ny was attend­ed by Turk­ish Ambas­sador to Tokyo Korkut Gün­gen, Nagoya Con­sul Gen­er­al Umut Lüt­fi Öztürk, Tsushi­ma May­or Hibi Kaza­a­ki, Fat­sa May­or İbrahim Etem Kibar and many NGOs and press rep­re­sen­ta­tives. IGMG Chair­man Kemal Ergün made a state­ment regard­ing the open­ing of the com­plex built in the city of Tsushi­ma in the Nagoya region, which is the third largest met­ro­pol­i­tan area of ​​Japan.Wishing that the com­plex will bring bless­ings to this region, Ergün said, “I would like to express my grat­i­tude to each of my broth­ers and sis­ters who pro­vid­ed sup­port with their dona­tions.” said. [Trans­lat­ed by Google with edits]

Accord­ing to a Turk­ish-Dutch media report, EMUG, the Euro­pean Asso­ci­a­tion for Build­ing and Main­tain­ing Mosques, also con­tributed to build­ing the mosque with the sup­port of region­al Pak­istani and Turk­ish Mus­lims. Ger­man intel­li­gence has iden­ti­fied the Cologne-based asso­ci­a­tion EMUG (Europäis­che Moschee­bau- und Unter­stützungs­ge­mein­schaft e. V.) as con­nect­ed to Mil­lî Görüş. EMUG is respon­si­ble for the admin­is­tra­tion and con­struc­tion of hun­dreds of mosques in Ger­many and Europe. Ger­man Mus­lim Broth­er­hood leader Ibrahim El-Zay­at is the exec­u­tive direc­tor of the EMUG. El-Zayat’s wife is the sis­ter of Mehmet Sabri Erbakan, a for­mer leader of Islamis­che Gemein­schaft Mil­lî Görüş (IGMG) and nephew of Necmet­tin Erbakan.

The Turk­ish-Dutch arti­cle also report­ed that the Tsushi­ma mosque is named after the Hagia Sophia (Turk­ish: Aya­so­fya) mosque in Istan­bul, say­ing that the new mosque received its con­struc­tion per­mit on the same day that the orig­i­nal Hagia Sophia was opened as a mosque. The Hagia Sophia mosque was orig­i­nal­ly a Byzan­tine church that was con­vert­ed to a mosque fol­low­ing the Ottoman Empire’s con­quest of Con­stan­tino­ple in 1453, but Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s sec­u­lar gov­ern­ment con­vert­ed it into a muse­um in 1934. Pres­i­dent Erdoğan ordered it re-con­vert­ed to a mosque in 2020, say­ing that Sul­tan Mehmet II, the Ottoman con­queror of Istan­bul, want­ed it to be a mosque and that Turkey could leave behind “the curse of Allah, prof­its, and angels” that Mehmet said would be vis­it­ed on any­one who con­vert­ed it away from being a mosque.

Mil­lî Görüş is a Turk­ish polit­i­cal move­ment whose aim is to trans­form Turkey into an Islam­ic state. The move­ment was found­ed in 1969 by for­mer Turk­ish Prime Min­is­ter Necmet­tin Erbakan, who, until his death, head­ed the Islamist Felic­i­ty Par­ty in Turkey. The ide­ol­o­gy and polit­i­cal agen­da of Mil­lî Görüş has called for an end to the sec­u­lar regime in Turkey through edu­ca­tion and preach­ing. In Ger­many, Mil­lî Görüş oper­ates as the Islamis­che Gemein­schaft Mil­lî Görüş (IGMG), which over­sees the work of Mil­lî Görüş chap­ters in at least 12 Euro­pean coun­tries and states that it has over 127,000 mem­bers world­wide. Der Spiegel report­ed that between 2004–2009, IGMG offi­cers fun­neled at least €9.5 mil­lion to the Felic­i­ty Party.