UncategorizedOctober 3 2022, 13:01 pm

Millî Görüş Newspaper Publishes Anti-Semitic Piece Alleging “Zionist” Occupation of Northern Cyprus

A Turk­ish news­pa­per con­nect­ed to the Mil­lî Görüş move­ment has pub­lished an anti-Semit­ic piece call­ing for a par­lia­men­tary com­mis­sion of inquiry in the Turk­ish Repub­lic of North­ern Cyprus, alleg­ing that “Zion­ists” are ‘occu­py­ing” land on the Turk­ish-occu­pied north side of the island. Accord­ing to the Mil­li Gazete arti­cle, the intent is to make North­ern Cyprus part of Israel:

Sep­tem­ber 28, 2022 While the Zion­ist groups occu­py­ing the Turk­ish Repub­lic of North­ern Cyprus (TRNC) step by step con­tin­ue their work with­out slow­ing down, a research com­mis­sion should be estab­lished in the TRNC Assem­bly as soon as pos­si­ble. While the Zion­ist threat is grow­ing in the TRNC, both the financier and the orga­niz­er are clear… Mil­li Gazete, which has been fight­ing hard to pre­vent the TRNC lands from being occu­pied by the Zion­ists, is mak­ing a his­tor­i­cal and very impor­tant call. While the Zion­ists res­olute­ly con­tin­ue their efforts to make the Cyprus a part of the Promised Land, it is of great impor­tance that the TRNC state take action now. In this con­text, as a first step, a research com­mis­sion should be estab­lished in the TRNC Assembly.

Read the rest here.

The claim that Zion­ists are occu­py­ing North­ern Cyprus is relat­ed to past such Mil­li Gazete asser­tions. For exam­ple, in July, the paper assert­ed that Zion­ists had “invad­ed” North­ern Cyr­pus  by pur­chas­ing 25,000 acres of land using “near­ly 2,000 com­pa­nies they bought:”

July 19, 2022 Mil­li Gazete, with its news for months, warns that Israel has invad­ed North­ern Cyprus step by step through the Zion­ists and local col­lab­o­ra­tors who have been made TRNC cit­i­zens. The Zion­ists, who acquired land through near­ly 2,000 com­pa­nies they bought, have pur­chased around 25,000 acres of land in the Turk­ish Repub­lic of North­ern Cyprus (TRNC). While there is con­cern that Cyprus will become a part of the “Greater Israel Project” if the land sale in Cyprus is not pre­vent­ed, many TRNC patri­ots are try­ing to stand up to this danger.

Read the rest here.

This arti­cle goes on to say, “most of the lands pur­chased by the Israeli regime, which has qui­et­ly occu­pied Cyprus step by step, are agri­cul­tur­al lands.”

Israeli media report­ed as ear­ly as 2006 on legit­i­mate pur­chase of North­ern Cyprus land, not by the Israeli gov­ern­ment, but by pri­vate investors as invest­ments in real-estate deals tak­ing advan­tage of cheap­er prices than in south­ern Cyprus:

Sep­tem­ber 18, 2006 In recent years, Israeli investors have also begun to dis­cov­er north­ern Cyprus, although they have been invest­ing in south­ern Cyprus, near Lar­naca and Limas­sol, for years. Indus­try sources esti­mate that hun­dreds of Israelis have so far pur­chased land for the con­struc­tion of thou­sands of hous­ing and hol­i­day apart­ments, in deals worth hun­dreds of thou­sands of pounds sterling.

Reads the rest here.

Mil­li Gazete is a Turk­ish news­pa­per that was estab­lished in 1973. A Turk­ish aca­d­e­m­ic has described it as the semi-offi­cial paper of Mil­lî Görüş founder Necmet­tin Erbakan’s polit­i­cal par­ties. The Office for the Pro­tec­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion of the Ger­man state of Hesse has said that Mil­li Gazete is an impor­tant print medi­um for Mil­lî Görüş and that paper open­ly rep­re­sents the move­men­t’s ide­ol­o­gy and calls itself its voice. Mil­li Gazete’s Edi­tor-in-Chief, Mustafa Kur­daş, is on the Gen­er­al Admin­is­tra­tive Board of the Felic­i­ty Par­ty, Erbakan’s last par­ty affil­i­a­tion, and Mil­lî Görüş’s cur­rent polit­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion.

Mil­lî Görüş is a Turk­ish reli­gious and polit­i­cal move­ment found­ed by Necmet­tin Erbakan, Erdoğan’s polit­i­cal men­tor, which has called for an end to the sec­u­lar regime in Turkey. In Ger­many, Mil­lî Görüş oper­ates as the Islamis­che Gemein­schaft Mil­lî Görüş (IGMG), which over­sees the work of Mil­lî Görüş chap­ters in at least 12 Euro­pean coun­tries and states that it has over 127,000 mem­bers world­wide. The GIOR has report­ed the Ger­man gov­ern­men­t’s asser­tion that Turk­ish Pres­i­dent Erdoğan’s AKP par­ty has inten­si­fied its rela­tions with Mil­lî Görüş in Germany.