IslamismJanuary 9 2024, 9:55 am

Israel Accused of Organ Harvesting by Group Tied to Hamas Support Network

On 29 Decem­ber 2023, the Jerusalem Post report­ed on alle­ga­tions by the Euro-Mediter­ranean Human Rights Mon­i­tor (Euromed) accus­ing Israel of har­vest­ing organs from Hamas ter­ror­ists. These claims emerged after the Gaza Gov­ern­ment Media Office report­ed that bod­ies returned by the IDF to Gaza were miss­ing vital organs. Euromed cit­ed these inci­dents as part of a pat­tern, refer­ring to past alle­ga­tions against Israel for sim­i­lar actions. Despite these claims, Israeli offi­cials have con­sis­tent­ly denied any involve­ment in organ har­vest­ing, stat­ing that these accu­sa­tions are base­less and unver­i­fied. Euromed is based in Gene­va and was found­ed and cur­rent­ly chaired by Ramy Abdu, a Pales­tin­ian who has been affil­i­at­ed with Mus­lim Brotherhood/Hamas sup­port groups such as serv­ing as spokesman for  the Euro­pean Cam­paign to End the Siege on Gaza. Swiss Ennah­da activist Rid­ha Ajmi once served as an offi­cer. Euromed is cur­rent­ly head­ed by Richard Falk, one-time UN Spe­cial Rap­por­teur on Human Rights in Occu­pied Palestine.