The Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland (Central Council of Muslims in Germany) has issued a press statement announcing the election of a deputy chairwoman who is also a leader Turkish far-right group. According to the press release:
September 19, 2022, On Sunday (18.09.2022), the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD) met for its regular plenary session in Cologne. Aiman Mazyek was elected for a second time with an absolute majority. (…) New in the board is the deputy chairwoman Mrs. Özlem Başöz. (Translated using
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The Union of Turkish-Islamic Cultural Associations in Europe (Turkish: Avrupa Türk-İslam Birliği; Atib) identifies Başöz as its secretary general, and Atib is considered a right-wing extremist association by the German domestic intelligence agency. According to the agency’s 2021 report, Atib has 1200 members and represents a more Islamically-oriented part of the far-right “Ülkücü” movement, also known as the Grey Wolves. German media has reported that mosques associated with Atib employ imams sent by Turkey’s top religious authority, Diyanet.
The Central Council of Muslims in Germany (Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland; ZMD) is an Islamic umbrella organization with member associations monitored by the German domestic intelligence agency. Although the German Federal Agency for Civic Education estimates that the ZMD represents less than one percent of all German Muslims directly, it is regarded as the government’s leading dialogue partner for societal issues about Islam and the local Muslim community. One of ZMD’s founding members until its 2019 suspension was the Deutsche Muslimische Gemeinschaft (DMG), representing the Global Muslim Brotherhood (GMB) in Germany.