The European Forum of Muslim Women (EFOMW) is reporting that on 31 May 2022, it took part in a virtual “shadow meeting of civil society representatives” at the European Parliament, proposing amendments to a draft Parliament report on racial justice and non-discrimination. According to an EFOMW post:
At the meeting civil society representatives had opportunity to comment on and propose amendments for a Report on racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism in the EU, where EFOMW’s operations manager dr. Sanja Bilic in cooperation with representatives from ENAR and ERGO network made introductory remarks which were followed by exchange of views between MEPs and civil society organisations.
Read the rest here.
The report, published by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs in early May 2022, emphasized the need for the Union to “develop a robust and comprehensive agenda” for effectively combating racism and discrimination in all areas of the EU.
The 31 May event was co-organized by Swedish MEP Evin Incir, Rapporteur for the Report on Racial justice, non-discrimination, and anti-racism in the EU, and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. The EFOMW says that, as part of the meeting, EFOMW operations manager Sanja Bilic called for reviewing and updating the European legislative framework to tackle intersectional and structural discrimination and mainstreaming racial equality in all areas of policy-making. According to EFOMW, civil society representatives also stressed the importance of equality data collection and how civil society participation was crucial for the successful implementation of EU directives.
The EFOMW has a history of close cooperation with the Council of Europe, documented by the Global Influence Operations Report (GIOR), including an August 2021 report covering a controversial workshop where pro-hijab campaigning materials were produced. In March 2022, the GIOR reported that the EFOMW had published a statement saying it was grateful to have contributed to an extensive set of policy recommendations on combatting anti-Muslim racism adopted by the Council of Europe’s main anti-racism body in December 2021.
For more on the EFOMW, go here.