IslamismOctober 6 2021, 13:11 pm

European Conference Features Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Leaders, European Left-Wing MPs

The 19th annu­al Pales­tini­ans in Europe Con­fer­ence (PEC), held online on 25 Sep­tem­ber 2021 in Copen­hagen, Den­mark, fea­tured speak­ing appear­ances by Hamas and Euro­pean Mus­lim Broth­er­hood lead­ers as well as left-wing par­lia­men­tar­i­ans from sev­er­al Euro­pean coun­tries. Accord­ing to the conference’s final state­ment:

The nine­teenth Pales­tini­ans in Europe Con­fer­ence con­clud­ed its activ­i­ties on Sat­ur­day, 25–9‑2021, prais­ing the uni­ty of the Pales­tin­ian peo­ple in their recent con­fronta­tion with the aggres­sion against Jerusalem and the holy sites. [Trans­lat­ed from Ara­bic orig­i­nal using Yandex.]

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A series of event videos, titled “Jerusalem Unites Us Till We Return,” fea­tured con­tri­bu­tions by PEC and Hamas sup­port leader Amin Abou Rashed and a large num­ber of inter­na­tion­al activists, includ­ing the fol­low­ing Euro­pean MPs and politicians:

  • Chris­t­ian Juhl, MP for the Dan­ish Red-Green Alliance, who in April 2021 par­tic­i­pat­ed in a vir­tu­al con­fer­ence host­ed by a recent­ly estab­lished Euro­pean Hamas sup­port group.
  • Johan Büs­er, MP of the Swedish Social Demo­c­ra­t­ic Party.
  • Ste­fano Fassi­na, for­mer Ital­ian Deputy Min­is­ter of Econ­o­my and Finance and head of the left-wing nation­al­ist Father­land and Con­sti­tu­tion party.
  • Niko Grün­feld, for­mer Copen­hagen May­or for Cul­ture, Copen­hagen Munic­i­pal Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, and founder of the Free Greens party.

Oth­er par­tic­i­pants includ­ed Samir Falah, Chair­man of the Coun­cil of Euro­pean Mus­lims and for­mer head of the Deutsche Mus­lim­is­che Gemein­schaft, rep­re­sent­ing the Glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood (GMB) in Ger­many. Anoth­er speak­er was Hamas leader Ahmed Bahar, Deputy Speak­er of the Pales­tin­ian Leg­isla­tive Coun­cil. In August 2012, Bahar deliv­ered a geno­ci­dal ser­mon, say­ing:

Oh Allah, destroy the Jews and their sup­port­ers. Oh Allah, destroy the Amer­i­cans and their sup­port­ers. Oh Allah, count them one by one and kill them all, with­out leav­ing a sin­gle one.

The PEC first con­vened in Lon­don in 2003 and has been tak­ing place annu­al­ly in var­i­ous Euro­pean cities. The PEC is spon­sored by the UK-based Pales­tin­ian Return Cen­tre, a Pales­tine advo­ca­cy group tied to Hamas and the GMB. The PRC is also an affil­i­ate of the Mus­lim Coun­cil of Britain, which fre­quent­ly acts in con­cert with UK MB groups. Amin Abou Rashed, recent­ly elect­ed as PEC leader, was head of the now-defunct Al-Aqsa Foun­da­tion, the Dutch mem­ber of the Union of Good (UOG), a world­wide coali­tion of char­i­ties des­ig­nat­ed in 2000 by the Unit­ed States as a financ­ing enti­ty for Hamas.

The Hamas char­ter says that it is “one of the wings of the Mus­lim Broth­ers in Pales­tine,” and a Hamas jour­nal­ist has acknowl­edged the role that the “inter­na­tion­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood” has played in pro­vid­ing funds for the pur­chase of weapons. Hamas is known to be sup­port­ed finan­cial­ly and polit­i­cal­ly by the GMB.