UncategorizedNovember 27 2022, 8:54 am

CORRECTION: Post Incorrectly Identified Bulgarian Political Party Member

In our post from Novem­ber 16 titled “Pro-Russ­ian Polit­i­cal Par­ties in Bul­gar­ia- Trou­ble Ahead,” we inad­ver­tent­ly iden­ti­fied Niko­lay Mali­nov, accused of spy­ing for Rus­sia, as a mem­ber of the ‘Vazrazh­dane’ (Revival) par­ty. In fact, Mali­nov is a mem­ber of the Русофили за възраждане на Отечеството (Rus­sophiles for the Revival of the Father­land), a left­wing, nation­al­ist Bul­gar­i­an polit­i­cal par­ty. We apol­o­gize for the mix­up in the names and have cor­rect­ed the post.