IslamismNovember 24 2021, 15:33 pm

CORRECTION: Article On Dutch Municipal Workers And Headscarves

We inad­ver­tent­ly mis­trans­lat­ed some Dutch lan­guage in our post of yes­ter­day now titled “Nether­lands City Coun­cil Fol­lows Migrant Par­ty Pro­pos­al On Head­scarves For Munic­i­pal Work­ers.”, incor­rect­ly report­ing that the pro­pos­al applied to full police offi­cers and misiden­ti­fy­ing the union involved. The post has been corrected.

We apol­o­gize to our read­ers for the error. We do our best to be as accu­rate as pos­si­ble in our report­ing but will cor­rect any errors we find or are report­ed to us as quick­ly as possible.