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GIOR Participates in the 2022 OECD Global Forum on Democracy
Leave your thoughts <p>The Global Influence Operations Report (GIOR) would like to thank the OECD for the opportunity to participate in the 2022 […]</p>
British Muslim Police Association Wants Term “Islamist” Banned
Leave your thoughts <p>British media is reporting that the British National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP), a representative body for Muslims working within […]</p>CORRECTION: Post Incorrectly Identified Bulgarian Political Party Member
Leave your thoughts <p>In our post from November 16 titled “Pro-Russian Political Parties in Bulgaria- Trouble Ahead,” we inadvertently identified Nikolay Malinov, accused […]</p>
Qatar Donates One Million Euros to German Footballers in Exchange for Favorable Reporting
Leave your thoughts <p>German media is reporting that in the run-up to the 2022 FIFA World Cup, Qatar donated one million euros to […]</p>
Influence Campaign Seeks to Free Columbian Businessman Imprisoned for Helping to Evade US Sanctions on Iran and Venezuela
Leave your thoughts <p>US media is reporting on what is described as a years-long influence campaign to free a well-known Colombian businessman with […]</p>
The “Golden Billion”- Another Attempt by Putin to Claim Global Moral Leadership
Leave your thoughts <p>US media is reporting on the “Golden Billion,” a theory said to be increasingly espoused by Russian President Vladamir Putin. […]</p>
The Close Relationship of a Belgian Far-Right Party and Vladimir Putin; Vlaams Belang & Russia
Leave your thoughts <p>Belgian journalist Jan Antonissen has written a series of articles detailing the ties between Russian and the Belgian/Flemish political party […]</p>
Director of New Brussels Branch of Orban Educational Facility Says Hostility to Hungary is ‘Magyarophobia”
Leave your thoughts <p>The director of the new Brussels branch of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), a private Hungarian residential college funded by […]</p>